The day the Declaration was adopted by Congress. The final copy, after several passages were changed, deleted, and adapted was again presented to Congress on August 2. Most of the signatures were signed on that day. 5 signed at a later date and 2 members of the Congress did not sign at all.

There are 56 signatures on the Declaration. 8 of those signers were born in Great Britain.
One man who signed recanted after months of imprisonment, torture and mistreatment by the British. After he regained his freedom he swore an oath of Allegiance once again.
The oldest signer was 70

Benjamin Franklin by Joseph Duplessis
and the youngest was 26.

Edward Rutledge - unknown
During World War II the Declaration was secured at Fort Knox.
Remember in the movie "National Treasure" Nicholas Cage's character claims there is something written on the back of the Declaration? There is.

This week enjoy Independence Declaration!
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